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Justin and Angie

Struggling with both homelessness and addiction, Justin and Angie were doing whatever they could to put a roof over their boys’ heads.


Struggling with both homelessness and addiction, Justin and Angie were doing whatever they could to put a roof over their boys’ heads.

For their family, sleeping in basements and motels was the norm. Often, friends or family would take the kids while Angie and Justin slept outside.

The couple loved their kids. But without the resources needed to heal and find stability, they couldn’t provide the care and protection their children needed.

For a while, life started looking up — they found an apartment, and sobriety felt within reach. But then things started to unravel.

When Angie and Justin were pregnant with their youngest child, a daughter, CPS removed their boys and put them in foster care. Their daughter was taken soon after being born.

“It was the hardest day of my life,” Angie says.

Determined to make a change, Justin and Angie went to live in separate sober living homes while searching for a place to be in recovery alongside their kids. That’s when Angie heard about the Rescue Mission.

Because YOU consistently give and support our programs, Angie and Justin experienced a total life change after coming to the Rescue Mission.

Through therapy, parenting classes, career training, and more, the two were gradually gaining health and stability.

Soon, they got their miracle — their kids came to join them at Village of Hope. Justin and Angie say that without the Rescue Mission, they’d still be on the streets, and their kids would have been put up for adoption.

“The Rescue Mission lives up to its name,” says Angie. “We’ve been rescued.”

This family’s story shows just how much your giving means for our neighbors facing homelessness, especially during the holidays.

This year, Justin, Angie, and their entire family will celebrate Christmas together for the first time in four years — all because you cared.

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