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As a child, Erica’s upbringing was far from safe.

Her biological dad was out of the picture, and her stepdad was constantly in and out of jail. Erica experienced abandonment and abuse, and never received the love and stability she desperately needed from her mother.

This childhood desire to be loved and to have a family of her own led her into painful relationships where she always ended up getting used.

Of this time she says, “A lot of the things I did were because I had no boundaries. I allowed people to mistreat me.”

When Erica had her first son, his dad left the picture. She soon began dating a longtime friend who gave her the hope of a family, but he soon became both emotionally and verbally abusive.

Erica held out hope that things would get better, and they continued growing their family. Meanwhile, her partner secretly started a family with another woman. This pattern of being taken advantage of by the people in her life ultimately led to the point of homelessness for Erica and her sons.

With everything falling out from underneath her, Erica found herself living in a motel room with her kids. That’s when she first heard about the Rescue Mission.

Thanks to YOU, Erica and her boys were welcomed into the Rescue Mission with open arms.

They received everything they needed to rebuild their lives, including nourishing meals, safe shelter, family counseling, and more.

With your help, Erica has found the stability and safety she needed to overcome her codependencies and heal from the past. She has re-entered her career and has a network of supportive people in their lives.

Now, Erica is excited about the future and says, “My life changed when I accepted that God accepted me.”

Erica’s boys are thriving, and their family has grown closer than ever. After years of disappointment and pain, they’ve found a fresh start, all thanks to you and your incredible generosity.

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