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Carmen will never forget the day her daughter left her grandchildren with her and never came back. The youngest child wasn’t even a year old.


Carmen will never forget the day her daughter left her grandchildren with her and never came back. The youngest child wasn’t even a year old.

Carmen was filled with anger, but she also understood. She too walked away from her children when they were young because of her abusive husband, hoping they would be better off with family friends instead. During this season of her life, Carmen found herself homeless. She sought after God and turned her life around at a recovery ministry years ago.

Carmen had become a different woman, and she was ready and willing to become the caretaker of her grandchildren when their mother left.

As they grew older, Carmen watched her grandchildren struggle with anger because their mom and dad weren’t in the picture. She didn’t want them to experience homelessness or the effects of addiction, but it was hard to raise them alone. The mounting pressure of working two jobs to care for the four of them meant she could barely keep up with the kids and the rising cost of living. Carmen was very concerned that her attempts to stop the family’s cycle of homelessness, anger, and addiction would fail.

She knew something had to change.

Then because of your generosity, Carmen found the Rescue Mission, and their family moved into Village of Hope.

Their arrival to Village of Hope was just in time. Shortly after, Carmen was diagnosed with cancer. Imagine what could happen if Carmen and her grandchildren didn’t have the support and resources of the Rescue Mission as she undergoes cancer treatment. But the Rescue Mission community and your support are sustaining Carmen and her grandkids in their greatest time of need.

Not only are you providing food and shelter, access to medical care and supportive services for treatment, and counseling, but you’ve also given their family hope for the future.

Carmen says, “If the Rescue Mission didn’t exist, it would be devastating for a lot of us, especially the children. When I see the smiles of all the kids staying here, it brings tears to my eyes.”

It’s because of YOU that people like Carmen and her grandchildren are experiencing lasting transformation here at the Rescue Mission.

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