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Orange County Rescue Mission High-Kicks Homelessness With Karate


TUSTIN, Calif.—Arriving early for their 6 p.m. karate class, three elementary-aged boys wearing white martial arts uniforms removed their shoes before entering the instruction area and began stretching quietly of their own accord.

Just outside the doorway, other children of similar age dropped their metallic scooters to the concrete floor, laughing as they made a loud noise upon impact.

“Before participating in the class, it’s normal for the kids to have the ‘ants in the pants’ analogy of not being able to be still or listen very well,” volunteer Orange County Rescue Mission karate instructor Andre Escalante told The Epoch Times with a smile on his face.

“But after several classes of instruction, you really start seeing the children become more disciplined and start appreciating the ‘arts’ portion of martial arts.”

Operating throughout Orange County, Calif., the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM) began its homeless care, outreach, and sustainable empowerment programs in 1963. Recognized as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, the Christian ministry began its Tuesday night karate class for children and families enrolled in the mission’s various programs in 2021.

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