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Orange County Rescue Mission


About Us

Orange County Rescue Mission is a faith-based, full-service rehabilitation center that provides on-campus housing and structured services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. We help people overcome homelessness and become financially self-sufficient.

To minister the love of Jesus Christ to the Least, the Last, and the Lost of our Community through the provision of assistance in the areas of guidance, counseling, education, job training, shelter, food, clothing, health care and independent living communities.
To operate in a dynamic, entrepreneurial manner, expecting to grow and expand numerically, programmatically, and geographically. We seek to be constantly challenged with fresh vision and well-prepared strategies that originate with the President and the senior professional staff, and that are refined, confirmed, and approved by the Board of Directors.

Inspiration of Hope in those we serve. Excellence in everything we do. Leadership centered on servanthood. Respect for each person as an individual. Integrity and accountability. Moving our clients toward self-sufficiency. Commitment to spiritual, emotional, social and vocational growth. Maintaining an environment that fosters teamwork, success and trust.

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2023 Annual Report