After fleeing an abusive relationship, Katie was determined to overcome addiction and leave everything in her life behind to give herself a chance to survive.
She set out to live with her sister. But after two weeks, Katie’s sister asked her to leave.
Fearing homelessness, she called shelter after shelter, only to be waitlisted each time. But she didn’t give in to the despair of her situation. She was ready to keep trying. Then, she reached out to a friend from childhood who had become a pastor. He connected Katie with the Rescue Mission.
“My sister dropped me off. My bags were packed. I didn’t even know if I was going to get in or not,” Katie remembers. “After my interview, when they told me, ‘Katie, we can get you in,’ I was bawling.”
This moment marked the beginning of a complete transformation for Katie, all thanks to you!
Therapy, grief groups, anger management classes, and mentorship are just some of the opportunities Katie has bravely taken on since coming to the Rescue Mission. She began to heal and see how God could take her mess and turn it into a miracle.
Today, Katie is going back to work and establishing a life of stability. Now, Katie knows she is more than a survivor. She is a child of God. And she is so thankful for this opportunity to share her story to bless others and give them hope, just like you have given to her.
It’s a community-wide effort to help neighbors like Katie thrive, and we can’t do it without you!