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Because of you, Darryl found his way back to God, sobriety and a restored life with his family. God has been really good to Darryl. That’s the first thing he’ll tell you. It was God, after all, who kept pursuing him, even after he put God on the back burner . . . even after all the excuses he came up with to justify his addictions.

“Thankfully, God knew better,” he says. Before coming to the Mission, Darryl’s days consisted of trying to hold down a job while smoking pot, drinking and playing games online. Then came methamphetamines, which quickly became the prevailing thing in his life. The effects became too much.

Darryl shares: “Meth was tearing me up inside. It was a mental battle. I was sick and tired. I told my wife, ‘I’m done with this,’” and he checked himself into a short-term rehab. But the rehab was not enough to change his life — and Darryl became homeless and alienated from his family. He needed a community and a program like the Rescue Mission’s to fix all that was broken. Darryl wanted to give his girls the dad they deserved.

Back when Darryl was a teen trying to fit in with friends, little did he know that “partying” would turn into addiction. His battle to break free would take 17 years, and would cost him his family.

Perhaps that’s why Darryl remembers the exact day he finally put his addiction behind him: January 17, 2017. At the Village of Hope, Darryl cemented his sobriety, thanks to the Celebrate Recovery program, and found his way back to God.

He’s also restored his relationships with his two daughters who go to church with him every Sunday.

It’s 13 months later, and Darryl has completed his high school diploma and was chosen by Tustin Unified as the valedictorian of the adult school program. Darryl is also training in maintenance work. His efforts are motivated by two things: to honor God and take care of his daughters. “I’m so thankful to the Mission and all of the donors that make this possible. Without that, I wouldn’t have this opportunity that I have today.”

Thanks to you, Darryl has a whole new life. It’s why he and so many others are thankful for YOU.

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