Legacy Giving

Please consider including Orange County Rescue Mission in your will or estate. You will ensure that lives are rescued long past your own lifetime and leave a lasting legacy. If you’d like to do so, here’s some helpful information for how to include Orange County Rescue Mission in your final wishes.
Legacy gifts can be made through wills and living trusts, and from financial funds such as retirement accounts, life insurance accounts, and investment funds.
Below you’ll find a document with suggested bequest language and Orange County Rescue Mission beneficiary information. You can also provide the document to your plan administrator, financial advisor, professional counsel, or other account administrators.
For more information, please contact Mauri Ramirez, Legacy Planning Advisor.
Join The Legacy Society
Orange County Rescue Mission Legacy Society is a community of people who have committed to ensure the mission of ministering the Love of Jesus Christ to the Least, the Last and the Lost continues for decades to come. Anyone can join by simply naming Orange County Rescue Mission and notifying us.