Chili Van Mobile Food Ministry

What Is The Chili Van Mobile Food Ministry?
The Chili Van Mobile Food Ministry provides warm meals to hundreds of people who are either homeless or lack the financial resources to put food on the table each day. The vehicles offer hot meals, beverages, and bread to thousands of at-risk people in poverty-stricken areas of Orange County. Chili Van volunteers pass out clothing, hygiene kits, and Bibles, often stop to pray with the people they serve and they tell people about the services offered at the Rescue Mission.
Please note: The Chili Van serves food throughout Orange County, but the schedules and locations vary. If you are in need of food assistance, please contact Calvary Church of Santa Ana at 714-973-4800, Dwelling Place Anaheim at 714-777-4777, or Second Harvest Food Bank for more information.
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