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Who Will Volunteer


How do you and your family live in community?

How are you contributing to the life and betterment of Orange County?

If you find yourself asking how you can better get involved in something meaningful that impacts the community you are living within, the Orange County Rescue Mission is an avenue to add purpose to your existence within the place we all call home.

As a nonprofit, we pride ourselves on a level of excellence at the Orange County Rescue Mission. Nothing that we do lacks intentionality and purpose and we would love to collaborate with you to continue to make this place an outstanding community.

We rely heavily on volunteers that are committed to coming alongside us in the mission to bring the least, last and lost into positions of most, first and found. Friends of the mission bring skills and passions into our program, tutoring our children, offering culinary skills in our kitchen, teaching healthy habits through fitness and so much more. Today, Michael Callison, a local friend of the mission, lent his craftsman skills to our organic garden by installing handmade birdhouses.

Michael Callison, friend of the mission installed handmade bird houses into our organic garden today.

Get creative with your passions and skills and get involved in the new life that is flourishing at the Orange County Rescue Mission. The season of Easter is a perfect time to get you and your family and friends involved. Below are some ideas for our greatest volunteer needs at this time.



Sign up with our volunteer department and get involved HERE.

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