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Thank You for Making the 4th Annual Turkey Trot a Success!


Our 4th Annual Turkey Trot was a huge success! Once again the community gathered to spend their Thanksgiving morning giving back to our hungry and homeless neighbors. A total of 768 walkers and runners took on the 5k challenge around the Tustin Legacy route. The community raised 22,225 meals through the giving of participants and our community sponsors, Oltmans Construction Co., Union Bank, Brakke-Schafnitz, Goe & Forsythe Law Firm, PIMCO, and Chick-fil-A.

A special thank you to those who donated all the giveaways and prizes for the participants. Thank you to Mary Boehm for donating crafts for the children, and for providing the tote bags for the top 3 female finishers. Thank you to Travis Matthew for providing travel bags and golf apparel for our top 3 male finishers. Thank you to HOAG Hospital for providing each participant with drawstring backpacks. Thank you to Running Awards and Apparel for the complimentary branded mugs for our sponsors.

This event is only possible through the collective participation of the community. We are so grateful for everyone who made this another memorable Thanksgiving for the least, the last and the lost of Orange County. THANK YOU!

Giving online is easy, safe, and quick. Your donation will make an immediate impact to provide meals, shelter and services for a homeless family in desperate need of a hand up to self-sufficiency.


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