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Thank you Bucher Family for OCRM’s Annual Gingerbread House Contest!


My good friends, Mark and Bronwyn Bucher and their family, sponsor this fun contest every year! It is a treasured tradition here at the Rescue Mission and I am so thankful to the Buchers for making it possible!

This year’s Annual Orange County Rescue Mission Gingerbread House contest brought fierce and fun competition! The dining hall was packed to the brim with adults and children alike ready to decorate their way to a win. This festive tradition is always a favorite of mine, especially since my own kids join me each year to share in the fun. Each year we all look forward to this special evening full of fun, friendship, and of course lots of candy!

It’s brings me such joy to share our Palmer family tradition with the Rescue Mission and to see other families now finding the same joy in it. Once, these families may have only known Christmas to be a time of pain and hurt. But at the Rescue Mission, we have a chance to give them a holiday full of love and hope instead.


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