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Staying Connected


Our team of leadership at the Orange County Rescue Mission is highly protective over the health of the community that comes to reside within our campuses to seek healing and healthy restoration. Where the primary restorative stages of growth can take place in the initial phases of our program, that process really is an ongoing reinforcement.

Because we believe in a sustainable safety net of support, we make sure not to simply wave ‘goodbye’ once our students walk across the stage of their graduation from our program. With second step programs and supportive housing to transition into with the successful completion of our programs, our case managers and staff are sure to seek to maintain healthy relationships with our graduates.

One of our long-time Case Managers, Joe Gonzales connects with Rescue Mission Alumni by planning a once a month lunch to visit with men and women who have since moved on from their days at the Mission. On the last Saturday of the month, Joe invites alumni to gather for lunch at the Village of Hope to check in with other graduates, but also to extend resources and services to those in need, whether it be job resources and relationships or other social services to help stay on the path of success.

Alumni Lunch
Rescue Mission alumni staying connected at our monthly lunch gathering.
Alumni Lunch
This month’s alumni lunch gathering at the Village of Hope.

If you are a Rescue Mission graduate and would like to stay connected with other alumni, connect with Joe Gonzales on his facebook page for updates on the next monthly lunch meeting.


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