It is generally true that individuals are not able to aspire to be something that they have never seen before, the rule of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know.’ For many of the ladies and single mothers at the Village of Hope, this is prevalent in their own life choices. Many of these women relive the role of motherhood as it was modeled for them by their own mothers and influential women in their lives. This is why this guest, was an especially special guest to set aside time from her busy schedule to visit the Village of Hope and share with our ladies a message of encouragement of what strong women of faith can look like.

Jana Alayra is probably better known for her ministry with children but she shares that in the past 15 years, she has truly sensed a calling to speak for, in particular, women. Jana shares a message that wraps scripture, her original songs, laughter, tears and ultimately hope in Christ into a captivating package, appreciated by all walks of life. Jana has shared all over the country and in all sorts of platforms–from large women’s events, to a small gathering in a women’s prison, from a group of Firefighter’s wives after 9-11 in New York city, to hundreds of Mothers of Preschoolers meetings.
As a wife, mother, and friend, busy with the daily routine of tending to the lives of her three daughters and husband, Ron, Jana shared openly about the pain and sorrows in her life, as well as Christ’s victory through it all. An important message for so many of the residents at the Orange County Rescue Mission, but so important for these ladies to hear and witness a godly woman in person that deals with the same daily challenges as they do but honors the Lord in all she does.
Our hope is that the program at the Orange County Rescue Mission would develop men and women of influence for God’s kingdom. Whether they progress to work in ministry or simply raise children and families that are strong in their faith, we believe that each life that is restored at the Orange County Rescue Mission has the potential to change the world. We need more men and women that are currently living out their faith in big ways to share with the men and women in our program to offer hope and challenge them to dream big for their own lives.
If you or someone you know would like to invest in these men and women in the journey of transformation through Jesus and hard work in our program, please contact our volunteer department and join us in this story of redemption for God’s kingdom.