We believe that homelessness is a symptom of other root causes, and the causes are often complex. Human trafficking is one such cause, as trafficked women lack every semblance of safe and permanent shelter. Sadly, we often hear stories from women in our programs who were victims, or as we say, survivors of trafficking.
For women risking escape, their most immediate need is a safe place to flee, open and ready to receive them at any time. In 2018, Orange County Rescue Mission began the Strong Beginnings program at Village of Hope to provide emergency shelter for women who are escaping their traffickers and in immediate need of safe shelter.
To date, 74 women (and, in some instances, their children) have received emergency services through Strong Beginnings. When they arrive, we provide specialized support to help them feel safe, meet their basic needs, and do all that is needed to help them stabilize emotionally and physically. Our goal for the women is to transition into programs that specialize in care for human trafficking survivors.
Caring for human trafficking survivors is collaborative work that requires people who are well-informed and practiced in providing care for them. Over the last five years, the Rescue Mission has networked with several organizations, ministries, and volunteers who assist our specialized staff in helping these precious women and children.
January, National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, is an important reminder to help prevent trafficking and to pray for and support survivors who are helped now at Orange County Rescue Mission. We hope you will join us this month in supporting survivors with a prayer for help, donating to support Rescue Mission services like Strong Beginnings, or sharing the message with others to increase awareness to prevent human trafficking.