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Restoration Roasters – Coffee and Change


Dear Friends and Family, this might sound crazy, but soon, instead of giving change to a homeless man or woman, they’ll be giving you the change — along with a great cup of coffee.
As many of you know, I have always been inspired by life restoration and I am constantly working with my Rescue Mission team to find or create new and creative opportunities to transform homeless men and women into happy, healthy, self-sufficient individuals.
Restoration Roasters
Our latest and perhaps craziest idea yet: A Drop of Hope. A Cup of Compassion. A Life Transformed.
This is the dream of Restoration Roasters, the Rescue Mission’s new brand and blend of coffee that will support the life restoration of homeless men, women, and children. Coming this fall, you’ll be able to buy it by the bag or have it brewed up fresh from our first location in the city of Corona.
To prepare for our Grand Opening, we’re training homeless men and women who live with us at our Corona Norco Rescue Mission so they are ready to operate our cafe, bag our freshly roasted coffee, and fulfill online orders.
We’re also asking our supporters to invest in this amazing opportunity and help us launch Restoration Roasters this fall. For the next thirty days we are running a campaign on Indiegogo to raise $100,000. Click the link to donate and learn the story of Restoration Roasters.
Friends, I am so excited for this launch! The days of giving change to the homeless are numbered! Soon, homeless men and women will be handing you the change, along with a great cup of coffee!  PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK TO SUPPORT THIS CAMPAIGN:

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