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Restoration Cafe: A Space That Inspires!


With Village of Hope passing its ten year anniversary of serving the Least, the Last and the Lost of our community, and recent expansions that now accommodate an increasing number of homeless men, women and children, the need for redesign and renovation in some of our spaces became clear.  One such space was our dining room, which has had a lot of use since the opening of Village of Hope.

We knew we needed to renovate and expand the space to make room for events and programs, as well as the additional individuals and families here at the Village.  We asked some of our neighbor corporations for help and these generous  professionals stepped in to donate their services!  Thanks to the hard work and generosity of Gensler Newport Beach, Allgood Allen Design and PlainJoe Studios, the space has now been transformed into the Restoration Café!

As you can see from these photos, this café-inspired dining room is beautiful and makes much better use of space, allowing for even more people to enjoy a warm meal together or experience our programs and events held on our brand new stage!  I have shared before how much I value beauty and how I believe that beauty plays into a sense of dignity, and I truly believe that Restoration Café now embodies that perfectly.  It is truly a space that inspires.

Gensler, Newport Beach, volunteers making an impact at Restoration Café
Gensler, Newport Beach, volunteers making an impact at Restoration Café

I am so grateful for these businesses and professionals for sharing their time and expertise with us to create this beautiful space that so many now enjoy daily.  If you or your company are interested in contributing your skills and services to serve the Least, the Last and the Lost, please contact our Chief Development Officer, Anna, at to get involved!

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