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Our Hurting Veterans




As more men and women of service come back from tours of duty and deployments overseas, we continue to see a great need for services to aid veterans in the transition into civilian life. As we launched our initiative to better serve the veterans of Orange County in 2014, we saw swift movement and support from many public figures as well as progress in gaining ground toward developing a Rescue Mission Veteran-specific program.

As we acquired the rights to two four-plexes in Tustin in late 2014 (read more about that in the OC Register here), we have already begun strategically developing a comprehensive program for the men and women who will be welcomed into those transitional housing facilities.

Today we hosted a Veteran’s Collaborative Meeting at the Village of Hope to discuss partnerships and joined efforts to maximize resources in Orange County. Chase Wickersham of the Veteran Advisory Council  and Steve Spriggs of the Newport Beach American Legion were a few of the influencers in attendance.

I am excited to see what this year will hold as we continue to dream and plan for a Veterans Village of Hope program under the Rescue Mission’s umbrella of services.

If you would like to join our efforts in this project, please contact Rob Jewel (714.716.2612) or donate to the cause here.




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