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OCRM Employee Highlight


Each month we like to highlight an employee who exemplifies the mission, philosophy, and values of our organization. This month we are delighted to highlight Lisa Jones as our Employee of the Month!

Lisa faithfully serves on our Development team as one of our Grant Writers. She is a person of many talents – a gifted writer, a singer, an artist, and a gamer. She continues to prove herself as a great team player and never hesitates to help others when needed. It is an honor to serve alongside of you, Lisa!

Tell us a little about yourself.

My full name is Lisa Marie Jones. I grew up in a small town north of Seattle, with my parents, two younger brothers, and my older sister. I attend Rock Harbor Church. I enjoy writing and sketching/inking. I intended to be a cartoonist into my early college years.

How long have you worked at the Rescue Mission? How did you hear about the job opportunity?

I have been working for the Rescue Mission for about 4 years. I actually heard about it from! I’ve pointed many job-hunting clients toward that site since that time.

What do you love most about your job?

I really enjoy our team work. Our team is so alive and connected to what’s going on at the Rescue Mission. I also love seeing clients move forward and talk excitedly about their future plans. They are now able to look forward to the future whereas before, they couldn’t see anything but stress and pain.

What is the hardest part of your job?

Definitely the most difficult part of working at the Rescue Mission is hearing the degree of pain and loneliness that clients have experienced, often for years on their own, prior to coming here. When you think of the tragedies or crises in your life, often you think of the people who helped you, surrounded you, got you through it. Many times, our clients didn’t have that support, or their loved one was the source of the issue and they couldn’t get help. It’s heartbreaking to think they struggled so much and alone.

How have you grown since coming to the Rescue Mission?

Countless ways — it’s taught me a lot about the importance of finding something in common with anyone you meet and building a relationship, about communication, about thinking critically, and about being thankful.

What motivates you to keep going, even in the tough days?

It’s hard to say that I could have this kind of direct, human-life impact in another way, so I keep going.

Join Lisa and her co-workers!

Orange County Rescue Mission is a great place to work! Go to and click on employment to learn more about our current job opportunities.

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