One hundred and ten thousand.
That is the number of meals we will be serving this Easter.
With your help to provide the basic essentials like a meal, we are able to welcome more homeless men, women and children off the streets to one of our 7 campuses where we are then able to invest in them for life transformation.
We are more than just a shelter or a soup kitchen, our program is intentionally structured to fully transform a life. From group classes, counseling, case management, medical needs, job training, budget coaching and so much more, our hope is that the Rescue Mission is able to instill hope and empower the least, the last and the lost into purposeful world changers in our community. We believe that this is only possible when broken spirits encounter the love of God. As you help feed the hungry, we will help feed their souls with faith in the ultimate restorer and rebuilder.
Help us feed the hungry and we’ll invest in these individuals to impact our community for the better.