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Leaving a Lasting Legacy of Hope


Recently we were blessed with an extremely generous gift from one of our longtime donors, James Raspe. What is so touching about this gift is that it was a planned gift, left as a legacy after he passed away last year. I am humbled and so thankful that James cared so much about Orange County Rescue Mission to include us in his will! His gift is already making an incredible impact here at the Mission.

James was a donor to the Rescue Mission for 18 years. He was even part of our ground-breaking of the Village of Hope in 2002. James struggled with renal failure for years, but rather than let his illness defeat him, he said instead that it gave him the gift of empathy and a purpose to serve others. He passed away in April 2017, but he left the Rescue Mission one final gift.

I am so grateful for our donors and partners like James – people that come alongside the Rescue Mission and believe in our mission to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the Least, the Last, and the Lost. Our donors become part of the Rescue Mission community, and it is through their support that we are able to do the work that we do. Because of your generosity, lives are being transformed and restored.

And James, thinking ahead, is able to continue making an impact on the lives of homeless men, women, and children in Orange County through his planned gift. It was the best legacy he could leave, and such a great representation of his character. Through this gift, James’ passion for caring for others will live on in the lives he helped to restore.

If you would like additional information on how you can leave a long-lasting impact on Orange County Rescue Mission by including us in your trust or will, please contact Taylor at Please also let us know if you have already named the Rescue Mission in your trust or will so that we may properly thank you.

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