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January Employee of the Month


Each month we like to highlight an employee who exemplifies the mission, philosophy, and values of our organization.Marty

In the month of January we would like to honor the most important driver at the Rescue Mission, Marty Razo. Marty is one of the most positive and easily likable people you will meet. Marty holds the important tasks of driving our vehicles for large donation pick-ups, transporting our kids to their respective schools and getting our residents to events, important meetings, appointment and interviews. Marty has a huge heart and is passionate about his faith. We are extremely lucky to have him on our staff and get to do ministry alongside this man of God. Congratulations Marty!

What is your full name? Martin Razo

Family: Wife. That I been married for 9 awesome years.

Where did you grow up? Baldwin Park, Ca.

Hobbies? Reading, jogging, watching sports. I go for the Anaheim Angels in Baseball and Dallas Cowboys in Football. Sorry guys, I go for the #1 teams.

How long have you been at the mission? 1 ½ years – I started part-time as the warehouse driver. After a couple of month I was given a full-time position, taking the preschoolers to school. I could honestly say that taking the kids to school is the highlight of my day.

How did you hear about the job opportunity at the mission? I had my commercial license for a while. I was having problems finding a job as a commercial driver, because no one wants to hire someone with no experience.

I saw the job opening ad on craigslist’s web site and I replied to it. I remembered that Jodie told me that I was the only one within 45 people that filled out the faith statement on the application, and after prayer I became a part of the OCRM team….. I Praise God for that!

What do you love most about your job? T I’m in a place where I could freely speak and express myself of my Lord.

What is the hardest part of your job?  I see the students as my friends and of course as my brothers in Christ. So, when I see them fail, I take that mistake as mine also. Their pain is my pain, and their cheer is my cheer.

How have you grown since coming to the mission? I have learned to serve God’s people.

Church? Apostolic Assembly

Favorite Verse? Proverbs 14:26  New King James Version

26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
And His children will have a place of refuge.

Motivation to keep going: Seeing people give their life to the Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.


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