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Enabling Illicit Drug Use is Not “Harm Reduction”


You may have heard the news about a recent Department of Health and Human Services grant called the Harm Reduction Program Grant. Proponents of harm reduction policies state that providing safe drug paraphernalia like smoking kits “helps people who inject drugs to switch to smoking.” The grant includes federal funding to “purchase equipment and supplies…[such as] safe smoking kits/supplies…and syringes.” These government-provided, safe pipes to smoke crack and crystal meth – very harmful, illicit drugs – will minimize the risk of burns, infections, and spread of disease.

Any risk associated with drug use should be a deterrent. Using drugs is a high-risk choice that evolves into other health complications and life crises. The bigger picture of what is harmful is lost in this decision to promote and fund harm reduction programs. Which is the more significant harm to a person? A possible burn or infection, or the continued addiction that ravages the body and the mind?

My heart breaks for those that are addicted. I have spent 30 years working to provide free, supportive services to help homeless men and women overcome addiction. Enabling easier drug use for an addict is not compassionate.

Click here to read more insight from my interview with Wesley J. Smith in his Commentary featured in the February 17, 2022, issue of The Epoch Times.

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