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Employee of the Month


Each month we like to highlight an employee who exemplifies the mission, philosophy, and values of our organization. Employee of the Month

This month we would like to highlight Angela, one of our exceptional Case Managers. Angela has been with the Mission for a number of years now, serving in several difference roles. It is clear that Angela truly cares for the hearts and growth of our student-residents where she invests over and above in our ladies in the Rescue Mission program. Thank you for all you do for the Mission and for each and every individual woman and child, it is an honor to serve alongside of you Angela!

Age: 28

Where did you grow up? Inland Empire 

Hobbies: hiking, wedding planning, hanging out with friends and family, playing guitar, and playing with the cutest niece ever! 

How long have you been at the mission: 5 1/2 years

How did you hear about the job opportunity at the mission: Through a friend that used to work here.

What do you love most about your job: I absolutely LOVE my ladies and getting the opportunity to share Christ with them on a daily basis. Being able to walk alongside these women and seeing them turn their lives around is a huge blessing and honor. When they finally get it, it makes me remember why I am there. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Working for an organization that revolves around Christ is one of the most amazing experiences. 

How have you grown since coming to the mission: I have grown tremendously in so many areas as well as my walk with the Lord. I have had the opportunity to work in a few different positions here at the Mission and have grown through each of those. Case Management in itself has challenged me in so many ways and has only made me stronger. 

Church: Pomona First Baptist

Favorite Verse: Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

Employee of the Month

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