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Day of Hope Serves 2,105


Saturdays are always exciting, but this particular Saturday saw a little more action than your average weekend. On October 5th, 755 Volunteers from all over Orange County participated to serve 2,105 men, women and children in the Convoy of Hope Santa Ana Outreach in Jerome Park.

Day of Hope
*courtesy of Edgar Espada Photography

In celebration of this combined effort, I wanted to share some of the impressive numbers of successful service. Where several churches and local businesses worked together to serve those in need, we were able to provide everyone with a meal. In addition we provided 1,000 pairs of shoes and 50 hair cuts to families that can’t afford these expenses otherwise.

Day of Hope
*photo courtesy of Edgar Espada Photography

OCRM and our volunteers were happy to provide both food and the services of our mobile medical unit.

I am constantly amazed at what we can do when we all work together and this day in particular opened my eyes to the hope that God has for these people and this city.  I know that God is still in the midst of it all and has plans to redeem what men have written off as hopeless. Thank you to all who served on this day!




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