I greatly respect Mother Teresa’s acknowledgement that ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.’
I regularly pray for unique opportunities to meet the supplemental aspects beyond food, clothing and shelter for the clients of the Rescue Mission. Steve Tierney and his organization Up and Running Again are an answer to that prayer.

With the heart to ultimately assist people seeking to overcome economic poverty. Steve uses his talents in running to help train individuals navigating life crisis to complete half-marathons. The goal setting and sense of accomplishment it inspires translates toward a path of lifelong success. Not to mention Steve and his volunteers offering their dedication to health and accomplished athleticism to men and women who may have never had another individual take the time to teach and coach them through such a task.
Countless men and women from the Orange County Rescue Mission have crossed that finish line, both in the race event and in overall life, thanks to Up and Running Again. Another collection of individuals will begin training again this week and I personally want to cheer them on in the long training ahead, both for the race and their long term goals.
Almost too perfectly, OCRM also received a timely unsolicited donation this week of about 6 pallets worth of Beach Body active wear. Now our runners will have clothes to train in and motivation to continue in their active life style.

Good luck runners!