For many of the dads at the Rescue Mission, this is the first time in a long time, or possibly ever, they are a stable, sober, and a healthy example for their children. They are able to truly celebrate Father’s Day for the gift that it is, and most especially in light of knowing their true Father, the Lord.
The men of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, led by our good friends John Patterson and Pastor Dan Wendell, wanted to make sure Father’s Day did not pass without the celebration these men deserved. They blessed our dads by hosting a very special event for the Village of Hope dads. Thirty volunteers, made up mostly of men along with their children and wives, hosted a delicious BBQ and an afternoon of fun.

The volunteers barbecued tri-tip, burgers, and hot dogs, as well as had a full spread including potato salad, baked beans, and roasted corn on the cob! Fathers and children from the Village of Hope enjoyed this special lunch while eating alongside the St. Andrew’s men and their families. It was a beautiful and encouraging time of fellowship for all. Following lunch, the fathers and families enjoyed an afternoon of fun, complete with a bounce house, a live DJ, and a photo booth!
Each Village of Hope father was also blessed with a gift from St. Andrew’s: a black metal dog tag engraved with Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This gift is a meaningful reminder to all of the fathers that their Father is continually walking beside them, equipping and strengthening them as husbands, fathers, and men for Christ.
This event was made possible through the planning and support of Julie Wood, St. Andrew’s Minister of Missions, John Patterson, and A Night to Remember Event Company. I am so grateful to all involved for their organization and planning efforts, and especially to John Patterson for generously funding the event. Thank you once again to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and their volunteers for blessing the Village of Hope families and fathers with a Father’s Day they will never forget!
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