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Birth Announcement


“Houston” as we are calling him after our renowned former Double R Ranch director Houston Ray Johnson was born on February 23, 2014.  This colt is out of our best mare GBR KHANDANCE, who is sired by Khadraj NA, one of the most famous western pleasure Arabian stallions and a 2008 National Champion.  Khadraj NA is also at the top the the champion Sires list.  And as a sidenote,  Houstons mom “dancer” looks exactly like her famous dad!

DRR colt

The father is our new and beautiful stallion “Shameer El Shaklan.  Shameer is sired by El Shaklan, international Egyptian Arabian Stallion.

DRR Colt

El Shaklan was bred by Om El Arab and was born in 1975 on the original farm in Germany. He spent two breeding season’s in England at Pat and Joannna Maxwell’s farm where he won several championships including British National Junior Champion Stallion. He returned to Germany in 1978 where he also won the Junior National Champion title. He was shown at the European Championship in Paris and was crowned European Champion. In 1982 *El Shaklan traveled to the United States. He was shown at the US Nationals twice, tying for first place in 1983. He was US Top Ten in 1983 and 1985. *El Shaklan was sold to Brazil in 1985, against Sigi’s wishes. He was Brazilian National Champion Stallion. In 1990 he was again sold to Count Federico Zichi-Thyssen of Argentina. This is where *El Shaklan spent the final years of his incredible life, being royally treated like the king he was.”  Cited from Om El Arab International.

 DRR Colt

Our trainer, Denise, chanced upon El Shaklan himself as she was traveling in the United States.  She was so amazed by  this stallions incredible beauty and presence that when we were presented with the donation of Shameer, she jumped at the chance.

Coming from incredible champion lines, named after our famous international director, “Houston” will be worth watching as he grows up at Double R Ranch, but most importantly is the beautiful picture of this fragile new life that has been thrust into the care of ranch hands whom they themselves are embarking on new life, tender fresh starts and fragile restoration.

God is so good and we are thrilled to have this new addition to our therapy horses at the Double R Ranch!




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