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At Your Service


There is never a predictable population on campus at the Orange County Rescue Mission. Whether there are brand new residents moving in, fresh off the streets, long time clients, dressed and ready for job search, various volunteers or medical staff walking to and from our Hurtt Family Health Clinic. There is always a dynamic mix of people navigating our campus.

But on this particular day, there are some power suits and serious business attire filtering to and from our warehouse and chapel. It is inspiring to see men and women dressed their best for business intermixing among other men and women aspiring to reenter the work force.

Xerox Senior Vice President, Ian O’donnell presents a check donation to OCRM’s Carol Urton.

These influential men and women are dressed for success but they have set aside this day to volunteer in the OCRM warehouse to kick off their business year at the Orange County Rescue Mission, donating needed items, presenting a check and holding their staff meeting in our chapel.

These corporate partners are from Xerox and they number up to 140 men and women seeking to shift their focus into impacting the community in their business outlook for the year. In addition to working in our warehouse and helping organize food boxes and other items we distribute to homeless men, women and children we serve the streets, the company has generously donated a check for $2,500.

What an influence we can all be together, when we allow our worlds to collide.

If you and your business would like to partner with us to serve the homeless men, women and children of Orange County, please visit to connect and explore ways to combine our efforts.


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